Art Expression : Captures life's important moments!

 "Prelude to Drugs"

You think you are at the lowest point and there is no hope, so you are just going to get high. Instead know that there is more to life out there and the only thing holding you from reaching it is in your own mind. Drugs do control your life. Allow yourself to have control.

It is all in your thoughts and the way you perceive things. You just can't let any little thing give you a reason to get high. Eventually things will get better, if you retrain your thought process.

Instead of looking at everything negatively, start looking at yourself for what you have been through and be proud you survived. Learn from it to go on. Allow your past to empower you to do better than what you have done.

Most of these pictures were drawn July 2004 to March 2006 during the height of my drug nightmare.

Feel free to look through my portfolio for a sample of my work.

Tara Wood has a story to tell through her art in her recovery from anorexia and drug use. Her poem “Loss of Innocence” tells the impact these disorders on her life as a teenager.


If you have any questions, please contact me.






I want to thank all the “Tweekers”

that made my life

such a living hell that I will

never touch drugs

or the underworld again.


You guys made this healing process possible.

Without all the mental and physical torment

I wouldn’t have the wisdom

to see into myself and others 

From our experiences, I had the opportunity

to learn lessons of survival

and personal empowerment.


I create fresh, vibrant images that capture the essence of my life story. When things are all crazy and chaotic, I find I can release different emotions such as anger and sadness into the pictures that begin to come out on the canvas. I start with the background of a certain color that comes to me. Then I usually set the canvas aside till later in the day, knowing that I will begin to feel what to draw as I counter the tumoil that is taking place in my enviroment and inside of me. Certain colors seem right to express the tone of the painting and feelings that are emerging. I don't often paint when times are calm, but occasionally I feel an uplifted awareness that begins to express in a drawing.


                                                         Poems written by Tara Lynn Wood

                        My Sponsors 

1028 New Hope Road., Bedford, KY

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