Color Your World


Color imagery can take a person into the unconscious or nonverbal state and elicit memories which are non-verbal. Color serves to support one’s vital life force. When color enters the eye, it travels thru the electrical nervous system and is directed to the area of the body that recognizes that particular frequency of color. This causes cellular and hormonal changes to occur thus bringing the body into synchronization.

Since color and sound have vibration, these can both be added to an image to get even greater impact. For example the frequency of light is measured in trillions of cycles per second and sound at ten thousands cycles per second. One way to view their relationship is to see light as merely speeded up sound, or conversely, sound as slowed down light. Each color and tone have a different wave length and vibratory effect on living tissue and cells. Encoding color on sound with visualization creates multidimensional constructs.

                                                                               Clients using color vibration has reported...

  • Improved Health
  • Stablized Mood
  • Greater Alertness
  • Increased Vitality
  • Improved complexion and skin tone                 
  • Happier
  • Better memory                                                    
  • Calmer with inner peace
  • The color of candles will elicit therapeutic effects in the same manner that clothing or colored light emit a specific vibration. The language of the unconscious mind expresses in colors, symbols and metaphors. Color meditation aligns the person with vibrational properties from the color of focus. Each color’s vibration is associated with different qualities. Light entering through our eyes may trigger the production of hormones which control the biochemical system of the body. It also can influence wour emotions and wellbeing by supplying the frequency we need to keep our mind and body in balance. Color does not heal. Rather, it enables the body to heal itself.


                                                                   Healing Properties of Color Vibration:

  • Ruby is the color of the Life Instinct;
  • Red motivates action, attainment of ambition; it represents passion and love emotionally.
  • Orange aides in pain relief, nurturing, creativity and for building self-esteem.

  • Yellow is the color of new beginnings, fulfillment of our dreams and child-like joy.

  • Green is the color of healing and regeneration.

  • Pink represents unconditional love; it stimulates purity of intent and awakens truth.

  • Blue is the color of peace; it is the symbol of spiritual understanding of one’s purpose. It is powerful healing for children and can bring quick money if combined with worthiness. It opens the power of expression and freedom of speech to be heard.

  • Indigo is the color of understanding and communication.

  • Violet is the color of faith and transmutation, releasing and clearing.

  • Purple is the color of leadership.

  • Brown is associated with grounding and finding lost things.

  • White has the spectrum of all colors so it is excellent for overall healing. It amplifies the effects of healing. It is the symbol purity and power and awakens hope.

  • Black is used for protection. It can be used to help us find the light within the dark.






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